
  • Years Active

    2011 – present (14 years)

  • Founded In

    Córdoba, Córdoba, Andalucía, Spain

  • Members

    • Cándido Gálvez
    • Pedro Ruíz
    • Álvaro Moreno (2011 – 2017)
    • Álvaro Mérida
    • Ángel Madueño

Viva Belgrado is a Spanish band from Córdoba, Andalusia. Formed in 2011, the band currently consists of lead vocalist / guitarist Cándido Gálvez, guitarist Pedro Ruíz, bassist Ángel Madueño and drummer Álvaro Moreno. They mix elements of with in their music, with their post-rock elements reminiscent of bands like Envy, Explosions in the Sky, Raein and Moving Mountains. In 2012, the band released their first demo; which was followed a year later by the EP, El Invierno. Both were reissued in 2013 with bonus tracks and were released by the Japanese label Tokyo Jupiter Records. Viva Belgrado released their debut full-length, Flores, Carne in 2015. In 2016, the second studio album, Ulises was released via Aloud Music and Walking Is Still Honest Records. Although the band describe themselves as feminist, anti-fascist & are vegetarians and support the LGBT scene, they do not deal with any political issues in their songs, but rather take up emotional topics in a metaphorical and poetic way in their lyrics.

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