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  • Born

    14 February 1984 (age 40)

  • Born In

    Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið, Iceland

Passionate about music of all times, Icelandic pianist Víkingur Heiðar Ólafsson (b.1984) has appeared throughout Europe, toured China and Canada extensively and given many premieres, including concertos by Daniel Bjarnason and Snorri Birgisson. His debut CD featuring works by Brahms and Beethoven was recorded in Gewandhaus and released by Hands on Music in 2009. A Juilliard graduate from the class of Robert McDonald, his awards and recognitions include two Icelandic Music awards, The American-Scandinavian Society Cultural Prize, Birgir Einarson Memorial Award, Rotary Foundation Cultural Grant and Icelandic Optimism Prize 2009, awarded by the presidential office. Vikingur Olafsson was nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize 2009.

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