2003 (age 22)
There are multiple artists using this name.
1. A Death Metal band from Copenhagen, Denmark.
2. A black metal band from Denmark.
3. An electronic music group from France.
1. This Kill-Town (also known as Copenhagen)-based rotten Death Metal trio started in the June of 2008, and has so far released 5 full-lenghts "Indhentet af Døden", "Til Døden Os Skiller", "Døden læger alle sår", "Misantropologi" and "Aldrig i livet", a split album with Funebrarum, a split with Gorephilia, a split with Dead and an EP.
A. Dødshjælp - Drums
D. Torturdød - Guitars / vocals,
Mads Haarløv - Guitars (lead), vocals (backing)
Martin Leth Andersen - Bass
2. A Danish Black Metal band from the town of Skjern. Released one demo before splitting up. 'Undergang' is Danish for ruin/fall.
3. An electronic music group from France.
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