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There are at least 6 artists named Typhon. 1.) A split-up black metal band from Colombia originally formed in 1994. The four-piece released one demo and a full album titled Unholy Trilogy. Typhon founded one of the first Satan's private cult "Los Lobos" in Medellin, they have been arrested some times for some irregularities in their concerts that Colombian police are not allowed to permit. Mauricio "Bull Metal" Montoya was the owner of Warmaster records and released the infamous Mayhem bootleg "Dawn of the Black Hearts." They also released a demo … read more
There are at least 6 artists named Typhon. 1.) A split-up black metal band from Colombia originally formed in 1994. The four-piece released one demo and a full album titled Unholy Trilogy. … read more
There are at least 6 artists named Typhon. 1.) A split-up black metal band from Colombia originally formed in 1994. The four-piece released one demo and a full album titled Unholy Trilogy. Typhon founded one of the first Satan's p… read more