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Totkopf is a four man band from Jaren of Norway. Influenced by Motorhead, The Hellacopters and ACDC, these guys create a smashing, heavy rock ’n roll sound. The band started out in 2000, coming from a background of instrumental surf-rock. Totkopf released their first EP “Kings of Commotion” in 2001, and had a successful national tour that same year. 2002 was a quiet year for the four “Tots” due to the Norwegian military’s draft policy.
At the end of the year the re-grouped and released their second EP “Head to head”. After that there has been little action in the Totkopf camp, and rumours has it that they are broken up. Like G’N’R’s Chinese Democracy, Totkopf as an unfinished EP lurking, “Flower Power”. Will it ever be released, no one knows, and will Totkopf ever reunite, we’ll have to wait and see.
Totkopf’s original line-up consisted of Åge Obrestad (vocals/guitar), Bjarte Sandsmark (guitar), Even “Evil” Hægstad (bass guitar) and Tormod Aass (drums).

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