In 2004, Torley Wong (formerly aka Torley Torgeson, Sr.) was in the midst of a career composing techno music when he was struck down by hyperacusis, hearing loss characterized by a collapsed tolerance to sound. He was very depressed and devastated because he'd been involved in music for over two decades, and it all came to an end. On top of that, his father had recently died, his family was falling apart, and he sometimes felt alone. After several months wasting his life away—and trying to accelerate that process—he eventually found out about Second Life, and realized maybe thi… read more
In 2004, Torley Wong (formerly aka Torley Torgeson, Sr.) was in the midst of a career composing techno music when he was struck down by hyperacusis, hearing loss characterized by a collapsed tolerance to sound. He was very depressed and devastated because he'd been involved in music for … read more
In 2004, Torley Wong (formerly aka Torley Torgeson, Sr.) was in the midst of a career composing techno music when he was struck down by hyperacusis, hearing loss characterized by a collapsed tolerance to sound. He was very depressed and devastated because he'd been involved in music for over two decades, and it all came to an end. On top of that, his father … read more