Tommy & Rumble is a radio program broadcast on FM99 in Virginia. The show, hosted by Tommy Griffiths and Rick Rumble, began in 1995 and is the most popular morning radio show in Virginia. This popularity is due in large part to the comedic banter from the two hosts and their co-workers, as well as the famous (and infamous) radio bits they create. The FM99 morning show actually originated in the 1980s. It was called "Reeger and the Bull" hosted by Ron Reeger and Henry Del Toro, a.k.a. "The Bull". When Reeger left, he was replaced by Jimmy Ray Dunn and the show… read more
Tommy & Rumble is a radio program broadcast on FM99 in Virginia. The show, hosted by Tommy Griffiths and Rick Rumble, began in 1995 and is the most popular morning radio show in Virginia. This popularity is due in large part to the comedic banter from the two hosts and their co-workers, a… read more
Tommy & Rumble is a radio program broadcast on FM99 in Virginia. The show, hosted by Tommy Griffiths and Rick Rumble, began in 1995 and is the most popular morning radio show in Virginia. This popularity is due in large part to the comedic banter from the two hosts and their co-workers, as well as the famous (and infamous) radio bits they create. The FM99 mor… read more