
The Units were an American early electronic music/punk rock/New Wave/synthpunk band, founded in San Francisco in 1979 and were active until 1983. They were one of America’s early electronic New Wave bands, they are sometimes cited (along with The Screamers) as pioneers of the genre now known as synthpunk. The Units were notable for their use of synthesizers in place of guitars, and multimedia performances featuring multiple projections of satirical, instructional films critical of conformity and consumerism.

There are other artists with the same name:

2. The Units was the name Jandek released his first album ‘Ready For The House’ as in 1978. He was forced to change it to Jandek due to legal threats.

3. The Units were also a noise pop band from New York City active from 2000 to 2003. They stole their name from Jandek.

4. The Units are also a progressive hard rock band from NSW, Australia.

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