The Prophet of Mephisto (Bradley Burr, born April 16, 1986) is a remixer and songwriter (writes everything from electronica to classical to jazz to metal). He graduated with a Music Ed major out at Houghton College, New York, in 2008. He's currently pursuing a Saxophone Performance degree at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. The Prophet has been remixing since the summer of 2003, which is also when he joined His name, The Prophet of Mephisto is his alias at and some other sites. For more info visit the websites listed on the sources at the bio.
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The Prophet of Mephisto (Bradley Burr, born April 16, 1986) is a remixer and songwriter (writes everything from electronica to classical to jazz to metal). He graduated with a Music Ed major out at Houghton College, New York, in 2008. He's currently pursuing a Saxophone Performance degre… read more
The Prophet of Mephisto (Bradley Burr, born April 16, 1986) is a remixer and songwriter (writes everything from electronica to classical to jazz to metal). He graduated with a Music Ed major out at Houghton College, New York, in 2008. He's currently pursuing a Saxophone Performance degree at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. The Prophet has been remixing sinc… read more