
  • Years Active

    2019 – present (6 years)

  • Founded In

    Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

There are at least 2 bands with the same name:

1. Black metal/punk band from Los Angeles, CA, formed in 2018.

2. Electronic/alternative rock band from Chicago, IL. "During The Passing's set, she thoroughly enjoyed the haunting electronica/dark rock sound which was quite explosive (due to keyboard sound fx) for that thunderous feel. At times, this band's music could be symphonic as well as dramatically epic that spotlights the poetic imagery woven inside the lyrics. Performing songs like Simple Things, Stake Out and Friends, this reviewer found herself lost amongst the dynamic vocal power heard from The Passing's front man."

Band Members:
Steve Galloway - Vocals
Brandon Keane - Guitars
Bill Whitmire - Drums

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