
There are multiple bands called The Minor Fall.

1) The Minor Fall formed in June 2004 in Leeds, UK.
The band released a 3 track demo / plus, a 7 track, self-titled MCD (via Seduction Records) .
Lineup: Jenn (Laura Audio / The Wireless Stores) - Vocals & Guitar, Niall (D-rail) Vocals & Guitar, Jamo (D-Rail) - Bass, Stu (ANOTKTWR / SMP) - Drums.
Notable shows including: opening the ‘Bring It On!’ fest in Leeds & support slots with: Minus the Bear, The Statistics, The Paperbacks, plus a slew of headline shows!
Band Status: INACTIVE since 2007.

2) The Minor Fall from Los Angeles, California The Minor Fall's lead singer is Matthew Shawver, bassist is Jonny Morrow and drummer Shane McLafferty.

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