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Even up here you can feel
The speed of your blood
Even up here where there's nothing
The nothingness hums

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If your world was rocked in your spring
Changed everything
The birds will still sing
The same songs

And summer still comes
Summer still comes
Summer still comes

And the blossoms will die and hit the tarmac
And the fruit will grow eager to justify that
And I love this I do, but it don't mean a thing
Till I have you right here next to me

Even up here you wear make-up
For all your phone calls
When they say life is too short
They're not stuck in yours

If your world was drained like a well
Reduced to its shell
Your lipsticks will still smell
Like before

And summer still comes
Summer still comes
Summer still comes

And the grass will go brown and yellow and gold
And the dust will set laughter in faces and folds
And I love this I do, but it don't mean a thing
Till I have you right here next to me

One day I'm boiling (aah-ah-ah)
One day I'm cold (aah-ah-ah)
Watching the seasons (aah-ah-ah)
Seasons unfold (aah-ah-ah unfold)
Seasons unfold

Writer(s): Juliette Elizabeth Claire Jackson

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