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"Getaway Car" is about the difficulty of escaping a bad relationship. It details the couple starting off with the promise of something great, only to quickly move into a dark and destructive path. In the chorus, Swift sings "You were drivin’ the getaway car / We were flyin', but we'd never get far", contrasting the idea of escape with the reality that they will never truly be free.
The concept of the "getaway car" is a metaphor for the idea that no matter how promising the idea of a romantic escape may seem, it is ultimately doomed to failure. This is ultimately confirmed in the bridge, with Swift admitting she "switched sides" and is now turned against her former flame.
At the end of the song, she finds herself racing away from their relationship alone in the "getaway car". It is a bittersweet message about the complicated nature of love and the power of the past.

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