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  • Born In

    Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States

Louisville native Tanita Gaines began her music career as a child, singing gospel music in the children’s choir, and performed her first professional gig at the age of 16. With a voice often compared to Aretha Franklin’s, Gaines has since shared her vocal talents with many groups and opened for such legendary acts as James Brown and Koko Taylor.

She also sings for the Tabernacle Choir of St. Stephen Baptist Church in Louisville. Though her range of vocal styles and her knowledge of music are both vast, Tanita contends that her roots are always firmly planted in gospel music.

The Accused, a powerhouse group providing smooth rhythms to bolster Gaines’ lead vocals, includes bassist William Simmons, Jerry Hawshaw on drums, and guitarists Kevin Reese and Kevin Keller.

CDbaby: Tanita Gaines - 'Another City Day'

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