Tamara Anna Cislowska (born 1977) is an Australian concert pianist and chamber musician. She has performed internationally in the United States, Italy, Japan, Greece and Poland and has associated with the Philharmonia and Romanian Philharmonic orchestras as well as all six major Australian symphonies. Cislowska has received a number of awards and honors for her work. She received the 1991 ABC "Young Performers' Award" in Australia at the age of 14, becoming the youngest pianist ever to do so. Other awards include Maria Callas, National World Power and Rovere d'Or… read more
Tamara Anna Cislowska (born 1977) is an Australian concert pianist and chamber musician. She has performed internationally in the United States, Italy, Japan, Greece and Poland and has associated with the Philharmonia and Romanian Philharmonic orchestras as well as all six major Australian sy… read more
Tamara Anna Cislowska (born 1977) is an Australian concert pianist and chamber musician. She has performed internationally in the United States, Italy, Japan, Greece and Poland and has associated with the Philharmonia and Romanian Philharmonic orchestras as well as all six major Australian symphonies. Cislowska has received a number of awards and honors for her w… read more