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"Sometime around the 17th of August, 1993, the Sun spewed forth a barrage of energetic atomic
particles, some of which walloped Earth’s magnetic field, causing it to deform and pulsate. The
Polar Auroras became more brilliant as well, and were seen farther toward the Equator than usual.
The skies dawned a brilliant blue in Oregon’s Alvord Desert, and the remnant patches of winter
snow upon the uppermost reaches of Steens Mountain shone a bright white. This tranquil scene
belied the fact that Earth’s magnetic field was undergoing utter chaos. Tremendous VLF radio energy was released by the storming magnetic field. Had they not been outshone by the daylight skies,
Auroral Borealis would have danced in the skies overhead. These are the sounds of the Dawn
Chorus, a relative of Auroral Chorus but heard into middle latitudes around sunrise. If you listen
closely, you will hear the chorus and hiss gently rise and fall subtly every 10 seconds or so. This is
the actual sound of Earth’s magnetic field pulsating in and out. Because it was local summer, the
radio energy static of lightning storms across North America was denser and more vigorous than
if it were in winter."
Techie notes: (Strong Dawn Chorus recorded in the Alvord Desert of southeast Oregon. Some of
the strongest dawn chorus heard south of latitude 45 degrees north. Undulating hiss, chorus, evidence of magnetic field micropulsations. 18 Aug. 1993, 1415 GMT )

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