Voiced and based on series co-creator Trey Parker, Stan often trades places with Kyle Broflovski as the protagonist of South Park. Stan is left handed. Stan is arguably the most "normal" of the kids, and is generally honest, very mature for his age, and well-meaning. He is slightly more assertive than his best friend Kyle. He is often distinctly unimpressed by adults or adult influences, and although not particularly troublesome, holds very little respect for them.
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Voiced and based on series co-creator Trey Parker, Stan often trades places with Kyle Broflovski as the protagonist of South Park. Stan is left handed. Stan is arguably the most "normal" of the kids, and is generally honest, very mature for his age, and well-meaning. He is slightly … read more
Voiced and based on series co-creator Trey Parker, Stan often trades places with Kyle Broflovski as the protagonist of South Park. Stan is left handed. Stan is arguably the most "normal" of the kids, and is generally honest, very mature for his age, and well-meaning. He is slightly more assertive than his best friend Kyle. He is often distinctly unimpre… read more