
The chefs of "Sound Soljanka" confounding the proverb "Too many cooks spoil the broth". "Sound Soljanka" is a project by Micha, Michel, Saebastian and Philipp. They are working together with a permanently alternating stuff of other musicians. Since 2007 "Sound Soljanka" is meeting infrequently (but enthusiasticly) on a small village farm in the nowhere of Central Germany, recording their late night jam sessions and editing the recorded single tracks afterwards. Consequently, the work is less based on classic song writing methods than on a curious work-in-progress spirit which allows only speculating on the sound of the pieces finished later. .

The credo of the project thus remains - "A consistent style in music gets totally overrated".

So far, Sound Soljanka has released 3 albums:

the slaughter mary was a functional babe“ - 2CDs 2009
„the meltin memories of a hunter and gatherer“ 3CDs 2010
„tripophon“ - 2CDs 2011

In the course of time the following musicians have enriched Sound Souljanka's accoustic horizon:

J. Abesser - (In the Attic, Experimensch, Eolith, PMC)
M. Guss - (Eolith, Experimensch, Monophil)
R. Ammerell - (In The Attic, Dachterrasse, Nagasaki Camping)
A. Hemker - (Chord Connection, Nagasaki Camping)
A. Domhardt - (YNA - Your New Aesthetic)
W. Zippel - (LJO, Dachterrasse)

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