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"It's Okay to Cry" encourages people to be open to their emotions and to not be scared to show their innermost feelings. The lyrics focus on the idea that it is perfectly normal and acceptable to cry or to feel sorrowful, and it is something that should not be seen as a negative thing. It is also a message of understanding and compassion, as Sophie encourages the person she is addressing to talk to her and open up. The song ultimately seeks to express the idea that, no matter how long it has been or what is hurting, it is alright to show emotions, let them out, and be unafraid to do so.

This song is also inspired by lil bs hit song - "i love you" where he said: "Everybody that's out here, we alright, its okay to cry"
The song was also featured in Louis Vuitton ‘Spring-Summer 2020’ Fashion show as a specially extended version.

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