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Slate is an English-language online current-affairs and culture magazine created in 1996 by former New Republic editor Michael Kinsley, initially under the ownership of Microsoft, as part of MSN. On December 21, 2004, it was purchased by the Washington Post Company. As of June 4, 2008, Slate is managed by The Slate Group, an online publishing entity created by the Washington Post Company to develop and manage web-only magazines.

Slate features regular and semi-regular columns such as Explainer, Chatterbox, and Dear Prudence. Many of the articles tend to be short and relatively lighthearted pieces. There are also many meta-columns: collection and analysis of major newspapers, magazines, blogs, and the like. It has a number of associated blogs, including some of the most notable on the Internet, such as Kausfiles. It also features frequent week-long diary series from interesting people and a link to each day's Doonesbury, whose website Slate hosts. Slate also features podcasts of several of its columns available for daily download.

Slate contributes to the National Public Radio show Day to Day.

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