
Simple Monsters are an Alternative, Punk, Grunge, Noise band from Seattle, WA. Over the course of 6 months they played a huge amount of shows for there young age. Praise from Seattle's local newspapers The Stranger and Seattle Weekly:

"Raw, loose and distorted, Simple Monsters operates on a few key principals: having fun and throwing caution to the wind." - Seattle Weekly

"Simple Monsters are far from flawless, but they're every band I loved when I was a teenager, mashed together by a new generation of teenagers." - The Stranger

Early 2011. Simple Monsters' first demo: "Big Monster" was recorded in March 2011. It was released later that month and had 2 tracks available. Those two tracks have led to Simple Monsters playing a few shows around the Seattle area including: The Vera Project, and The Crocodile. Now as Simple Monsters slow down on shows for the summer of 2011 they are now writing songs once again

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