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Sensual physics is one of three music projects by Joerg Schuster from Dortmund, Germany, started in 1997 only with a pc and a roland jd- 800. His output is very positive, deep moody Detroit inspired techno/ house music, mostly with some dub elements. Suitable for the club, "four to the floor" backed tracks - grooving and fluid, bright and warm. Crackles, chords, dubs and solid grooves. In Sensual Physics' world, the dance floor and the living room are door to door, Detroit is just around the corner and the essence of techno shines throughout. His debut album as Sensual Physics was released on Source Records, Germany in 2001, who will be releasing his second in summer 2004.
(cited from

His newest release in 2006 is the convincing four-piece "expanding itself" released on (downloadable for free from)

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