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There a multiple artists with this name:

1) Scaffold was a band from England.

The band were at the heart of the Liverpool artistic boom of the 60s, performing a mixture of sketches, poems and songs. A trio from Liverpool, England consisting of Mike McGear (Michael McCartney, brother of Paul), Roger McGough and John Gorman, they performed a mixture of comic songs, comedy sketches and the poetry of McGough.

2) Scaffold is a band from Denmark, formed in 2005.

3) Scaffold is a band from Hungary, formed in 1999.

4) Scaffold is a band from Serbia, formed in 1992.

5) Scaffold was a band from Russia, formed 1990.

6) Scaffold was a band from Isreal, formed 1991.

7) Scaffold was a band from Germany, formed 1983.

8) Scaffold was a band from Austria, formed in 1990.

9) Scaffold is a band from Slovenia, formed 1994.

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