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  • Members

    • Perkie

Resolution 242 are 4 piece Progressive/Dub Rock/Hip hop band from Stratford on Avon in England. The Members include Alex (guitar and vocals) James (vocals) Oli (bass and vocals) and Adam (drums and samples).
They have had a few line up changes in the past including Jack B (bass) Lauren (backing vocals) and Perkie (vocals, melodica…now of The King Blues), which has set them back some what in reaching thier full gigging potential,But the band are currently writing their first full length album, and , after the sucess of their self titled EP 'Resolution242' , will be hoping to get back on the regular gig trail in the coming weeks.

Resolution 242 have shared the stage with many influential bands on the UK ska punk scene including Sonic Boom Six, Random Hand, The Skints, The King Blues, Inner Terrestrials and Dirty Revolution.

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