RED HOT REBELLION was formed in the bowels of The Gem City (Dayton Ohio) with a singular goal: to rebel against the watered-down excuse for Rock of the status quo. Their music is loud, fast, and furious — perhaps a throw-back to a simpler time when Rock was fun and full of energy. Where music is more important than fashion. Where intensity is more exciting than whining about break ups and heartache. Where a Les Paul and a Marshall half-stack can rattle your bones and shake your blood. By blending together Punk, Blues, Garage and Classic Rock into a full frontal assault on the senses… read more
RED HOT REBELLION was formed in the bowels of The Gem City (Dayton Ohio) with a singular goal: to rebel against the watered-down excuse for Rock of the status quo. Their music is loud, fast, and furious — perhaps a throw-back to a simpler time when Rock was fun and full of energy. Where music… read more
RED HOT REBELLION was formed in the bowels of The Gem City (Dayton Ohio) with a singular goal: to rebel against the watered-down excuse for Rock of the status quo. Their music is loud, fast, and furious — perhaps a throw-back to a simpler time when Rock was fun and full of energy. Where music is more important than fashion. Where intensity is more exciting than w… read more