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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
230 Edit
227 Revert
229 Edit
228 Edit
227 Edit

Updated formation year to reflect newly uncovered information.

226 Edit

I just adjusted tags and albums

225 Revert
215 Revert
225 Edit
224 Edit

2022 update and clean-up.

223 Edit


222 Edit
221 Edit
220 Edit
219 Edit

Johnny's back

218 Edit
217 Edit
215 Revert

revert spam

216 Edit
215 Edit
214 Edit
213 Edit
212 Edit
211 Edit

Better flow and paragraph structure

210 Edit

John Frusciante left in late, not early 2008.

208 Revert

reverting spam

209 Edit
208 Edit
207 Edit


206 Edit
205 Edit


204 Edit
203 Edit

fix up

202 Edit

Please save this for the song wiki, not the first paragraph of the band's wiki.

201 Edit

added the name of a track missing from the beginning of a sentence

200 Edit
199 Edit

The "is/are" changes are pointless: "Is" is used in this context in the US, "Are" is used in the UK. As the Peppers are an American band, its suggested that the American usage be used here.

198 Edit

Come on people, basic English grammar should be expected here.

197 Edit
196 Edit
195 Edit
194 Edit
192 Revert

reverting to last good version

193 Edit
175 Revert
192 Edit

we don't need the full name twice

191 Edit
189 Revert

reverting back to this version with tags and all. The new version is an uncredited plagairism of MTV's biography

190 Edit
189 Edit

fixed that john's replacement part. it was a bit of a mess

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