
Rachika Nayar is a Brooklyn-based composer and producer, whose music utilizes processed guitar among other synthesized and multi-instrumental sounds. She primarily composed her full-length NNA Tapes debut, Our Hands Against the Dusk, over multiple years by digitally mutating her improvisational guitar parts, and combining the contorted textures with shimmering synths, orchestral strings, and piano. In that fluid but always deeply felt form, her music eschews single genres and identities, as it wades through influences spanning experimental (ambient-electronic, neoclassical) and popular vernaculars (Midwest emo, trance, and beyond). An EP “fragments” followed on RVNG Intl’s Commend imprint, a companion piece to her debut that offers a glimpse into the types of raw guitar loops from which her songwriting process often originates.

Performing live, she presents her music in an A/V setup of lights and projections. Shifting constellations of moments and visions emerge in these collages of found and personal videos.

Her music has been featured in venues and publications including The New York Times, Pitchfork, NPR, New York Magazine, NYC’s The Shed, and the Berlinale International Film Festival.

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