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  • Born

    2001 (age 23)

  • Born In

    Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, United States

At 20 years of age, the Portland producer has begun turning heads with a luminously paradoxical discography that is equal parts aggressive as it is ethereal.

But the 20-year-old producer isn’t one to shy away from creative challenges or filter his art in any way for the sake of commercialism. Throughout his recently release debut Album 'Dawn', Quiet Bison masterfully displays his incredible range as an artist, juxtaposing quirky melodies and granular textures with bit-crushed bass and punchy drum programming.

Previously released singles such as “High Like This” (with Reo Cragun) and “Call It Even“ (with Pauline Herr) are reinforced by a bevy of new collabs with the likes of wilo wilde, TYGKO, Madalen Duke, Bijou Violet and more. Nevertheless, the bulk of Dawn comprises solo instrumental tracks, which beautifully showcase Bison’s defiantly experimental sensibilities while moonlighting as a testament to his avant-garde approach to production.

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