Puke & the Gang formed out of the aftermath of the Free Talk Live: Sunday Edition co-host cull. From that blood-bath emerged a rag-tag group of erstwhile freedom-fighting pod-cast re-bels. Hyphenated words abounded! Now sit back and enjoy the hoo-hah fun because Puke & the Gang is a podcast by young men who act like grumpy old men. From smoking cigars to complaining about kids. On occasion our liberty loving friends join us to share in the good times. Give us a listen and you'll be pleasantly indifferent.
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Puke & the Gang formed out of the aftermath of the Free Talk Live: Sunday Edition co-host cull. From that blood-bath emerged a rag-tag group of erstwhile freedom-fighting pod-cast re-bels. Hyphenated words abounded! Now sit back and enjoy the hoo-hah fun because Puke & the Gang is a p… read more
Puke & the Gang formed out of the aftermath of the Free Talk Live: Sunday Edition co-host cull. From that blood-bath emerged a rag-tag group of erstwhile freedom-fighting pod-cast re-bels. Hyphenated words abounded! Now sit back and enjoy the hoo-hah fun because Puke & the Gang is a podcast by young men who act like grumpy old men. From smoking cigars to … read more