Prince Lincoln Thompson, known as Sax, was a Jamaican singer, musician and songwriter with the reggae band the Royal Rasses, and a member of the Rastafari movement. He was born June 18, 1949 in Jonestown, next to Trenchtown, both parts of the slummy shanty town in the poor west side of inner Kingston, Jamaica and died of cancer in London on January 23, 1999 days after being diagnosed. He was noted for his high falsetto singing voice, very different from his spoken voice.
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Prince Lincoln Thompson, known as Sax, was a Jamaican singer, musician and songwriter with the reggae band the Royal Rasses, and a member of the Rastafari movement. He was born June 18, 1949 in Jonestown, next to Trenchtown, both parts of the slummy shanty town in the poor west side of inner … read more
Prince Lincoln Thompson, known as Sax, was a Jamaican singer, musician and songwriter with the reggae band the Royal Rasses, and a member of the Rastafari movement. He was born June 18, 1949 in Jonestown, next to Trenchtown, both parts of the slummy shanty town in the poor west side of inner Kingston, Jamaica and died of cancer in London on January 23, 1999 days … read more