Pietro Simone Agostini, also known as Piersimone Agostini or (Augustini), (Mombaroccio, c. 1635 - Parma, 1 October 1680), was an Italian composer . He made his debut as an opera player with Il Tolomeo. Drama de gl'Academici Imperturbabili represented in the Theatro di S. Apollinare di Venetia in the year 1658 . In December 1660 his name appears on a list of candidates for the post of chapel master at the cathedral of Urbino. However, he was excluded from the vote for not presenting the "memorial". The same document informs us that Agostini was a native of Monte Barocc… read more
Pietro Simone Agostini, also known as Piersimone Agostini or (Augustini), (Mombaroccio, c. 1635 - Parma, 1 October 1680), was an Italian composer . He made his debut as an opera player with Il Tolomeo. Drama de gl'Academici Imperturbabili represented in the Theatro di S. Apollinare di Ve… read more
Pietro Simone Agostini, also known as Piersimone Agostini or (Augustini), (Mombaroccio, c. 1635 - Parma, 1 October 1680), was an Italian composer . He made his debut as an opera player with Il Tolomeo. Drama de gl'Academici Imperturbabili represented in the Theatro di S. Apollinare di Venetia in the year 1658 . In December 1660 his name appears on a list of … read more