"somewhere between chilling alone in his bedroom, excavating forgotten memories, and hypnotic deep sleeping, fmly’s own philip seymour hoffman has taken an adventure into a realm of experimental folky goodness… what psh lacks in dense layering and intricate melody is gained in intimacy and honesty, each song an impressionable vignette of post-teenage sentience." -truman peyote, 2009 psh is the aural postcards of noah klein, always with friends. adopting this globally-renowned title symbolizes assurance that subversive forms of protest can just as swiftly recuperate m… read more
"somewhere between chilling alone in his bedroom, excavating forgotten memories, and hypnotic deep sleeping, fmly’s own philip seymour hoffman has taken an adventure into a realm of experimental folky goodness… what psh lacks in dense layering and intricate melody is gained in inti… read more
"somewhere between chilling alone in his bedroom, excavating forgotten memories, and hypnotic deep sleeping, fmly’s own philip seymour hoffman has taken an adventure into a realm of experimental folky goodness… what psh lacks in dense layering and intricate melody is gained in intimacy and honesty, each song an impressionable vignette of post-teenage s… read more