
23latniPJASC11; 202Sika; sUMA21; CV3TKR5TEV; Razlika19; Petra kolona; scar me with your kiss; Lovetunes4vacuum:; ožiljak poljupca, serenade vakuuma:
100 % Cotton Synthetics was a show on air every Thursday, 21 h, Absolute radio, 107.4, Central Serbia. The main aim of this project was a proper education by highlighting the artists, bands, concerts, festivals, genres, or something like that, we find interesting by the time we finish our current show. 100 % COTTON SYNTHETICS was A RADIO SHOW ON AIR EVERY WEDNESDAY, 22 h, Underbottom.
You know it has started (and finished, if there's time) when you hear:
You know it was played if it's published here:
Drugim utorkom od 21 sat, 100 % PaMUČNA sintETIKA: romantični slow i sad core, eterične ženskinje i (pa)mučni trubaduri, kinetične mašine i visceralni zabodi, i stopostotni art pop; i blekgejz i klaudrep.
(Second Tuesdays at 21 CET, 100 % Cotton Synths: romantic slow and sad core, the ethereal women, the agony of cotton troubadours, kinetic machines and visceral stabs, and the 100 % art pop; and blackgaze & cloudrap.)
Plejliste (preko)sutradan na/ Playlists (day after) day after at

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