
Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
52 Edit
51 Revert
50 Revert

Preciouzestelle you are the first b1tch i would gladly kill

51 Edit
50 Edit
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45 Edit
44 Edit
42 Revert

revert spam

43 Edit
42 Edit
41 Edit
40 Edit
39 Edit

Updated 'third decade' to 'fourth decade' to reflect the fact it's now 01/01/10 or later.

38 Edit

Removed opinion.

37 Edit

Corrected BBC error

36 Edit
35 Edit
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33 Edit
32 Edit
31 Edit

removed faulty double space, it was making me neurotic ;)

30 Edit
29 Edit

New Album

28 Edit


27 Edit
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22 Edit
21 Edit
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18 Edit
17 Edit

Replacing copyright violation All Music Guide text with content from Wikipedia

16 Edit

change of spelling - honor to honour

15 Edit
14 Edit
13 Edit

Fix typo

12 Edit


11 Edit

Updated info about Fundamental

10 Edit

Battleship Potemkin, Fundamental release month

9 Edit
8 Edit

artist links, grammar/spelling, formatting album titles

7 Edit
6 Edit

Link to tracks and artists

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