
Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
49 Edit


48 Edit

Added tags.

47 Edit

2021 update.

46 Edit

fixed typo: alongsie to alongside

45 Edit
43 Revert

revert spam

44 Edit

Mass unlock of all locked wikis


Locked by IRONICtypo

40 Revert


43 Edit
40 Revert

removing vandalism

42 Edit
41 Edit
40 Edit

this is the wiki, not the shoutbox

39 Edit
38 Edit
37 Edit

Some BBCode and removed a part in the intro section that was completely out of place.

36 Edit
35 Edit
34 Edit

Changed pussy-footed "one of the" to "the most successful songwriter of all time"

33 Edit
32 Edit
31 Edit
30 Edit
29 Edit
28 Edit
27 Edit
26 Edit

added update of the wikipedia

25 Edit
24 Edit
23 Edit
22 Edit
21 Edit
20 Edit

removed wikipedia "source tags"

19 Edit

updated with revised wikipedia article

18 Edit


17 Edit

Replaced offsite links with in-site links

16 Edit

corrected a mispelled word.

15 Edit

Spelling Correction of Electric Aurguments to Electric Arguments

14 Edit

Updated info about new release Electric Arguments

13 Edit
12 Edit

Fixed grammatical error.

11 Edit

Added BBcode

10 Edit
9 Edit
8 Revert
7 Revert
8 Edit
7 Edit

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