
  • Years Active

    2016 – present (9 years)

  • Founded In

    Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Pestis Cultus is raw black metal from Perth, Australia.

Pestis Cultus embody the underground ethos: no compromise - this is black metal…fuck you! We are the Pest Cult! Pest to the mainstream. Putrid Black Fucking Metal!

In 2021, Pestis Cultus released their debut full-length album through Signal Rex. 7 tracks of black hateful satanic hymns of pure black fucking metal of death. Featuring guest musician Mortiis. Dedicated to the pure black metal ideals of the black arts.

Old - vox & guitar (Drohtnung, Old Burial Temple,The Ninth Departure, Mors de Corpus)
B.C - bass (GraveWorship, Black Putrescence, Desgranges)
B.H - drums (Broken Spirit, Grave Worship, Mors de Corpus)

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