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  • Born


  • Born In

    Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy

  • Died

    18 January 1677 (aged 75)

Orazio Tarditi (Rome, 1602 - Forlì, January 18 1677) was an Italian composer.

The 1639 developed by the choirmaster of the Cathedral of Forlì and then took charge of the same functions of Faenza . He was also organist of Murano d ' Arezzo and belonged to the Camaldolese Order . He published three books of masses, some psalms , 3 to 5 voices ( 1638 , 1648 and 1650 ), Messe e Salmi arranged in four ( 1640 ), Messe e Psalm 2; 15 books Motetti concerted voices of one to five, in part with support of organ and other instruments; 4 books of motets for solo voices with bass; Psalms 8 voices with bass ( 1649 ); Complete and litanies, four voices; antiphons, 3; a Tedeum , 4 (1644); madrigals. five ( 1639 ) Canzonette amorose. 2 and 3 ( 1655 ).

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