Oliver Sudden originally got involved in music through his love for UK garage and started experimenting with the idea of being an MC when he was 15 by making tapes using karaoke machines. It was skating that focused his taste on hip hop, thanks to the vast selection of video soundtracks in the late 90s. He went on to form a strong bond with hip hop culture and its various elements over the years that followed. Sudden started rapping at the notorious Deal Real Records cyphers and Speakers Corner open mics, as well as digging for records from all genres, in the many specialist shops a… read more
Oliver Sudden originally got involved in music through his love for UK garage and started experimenting with the idea of being an MC when he was 15 by making tapes using karaoke machines. It was skating that focused his taste on hip hop, thanks to the vast selection of video soundtracks in th… read more
Oliver Sudden originally got involved in music through his love for UK garage and started experimenting with the idea of being an MC when he was 15 by making tapes using karaoke machines. It was skating that focused his taste on hip hop, thanks to the vast selection of video soundtracks in the late 90s. He went on to form a strong bond with hip hop culture and it… read more