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  • Years Active

    2010 – present (14 years)

  • Founded In

    Lviv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Один В Каное - correct tag. Fix your tags please.

The band Odyn v Kanoe (from Ukrainian - "One in a Canoe") was founded in 2010 in Lviv, Ukraine. On November 27 of the same year, the first solo performance took place, at which the musicians presented their first songs. Since then, the band has given solo concerts in most major cities of Ukraine, performed in Prague, Paris, Cambridge, Minsk, Moscow and Gdansk, participated in many festivals. The number of band members has changed many times, leaving two from the starting lineup: Ira Shvaidak (vocalist) and Ustym Pokhmursky (guitarist). Later, the percussionist Olena Davydenko joined. The band has been in this composition for six years, releasing in 2016 a debut album of the same name "Odyn v Kanoe". The album includes 25 songs as a result of a five-year search for eternal meanings, the slogan of which still remains more than the words: "The power of simplicity". The current line-up consists of vocalist Iryna Shvaidak, guitarist Ustym Pokhmursky and drummer Ihor Dzikovsky.

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