
After a debut album in 2016, 2017 would be the year of affirmation for Nowhere To Be Found, achieving what no other Portuguese band had ever done. They would go on to record with Swedish producer Henrik Udd, “2017 Producer of the Year” at the Heavy Music Awards, who worked with bands such as Bring Me The Horizon and Architects, and would master new songs in New York with Grammy award winner Ted Jensen - the sound engineer known for being the choice of industry giants such as Metallica, Green Day, Muse, Deftones, Slipknot, Paul McCartney, Madonna and Coldplay.
Confirming the new songs’ potentials, there have been collaborations with the likes of: Memphis May Fire’s front man Matty Mullins in the song “Traverse” and Emily Lazar from September Mourning in the song “Closer”.
In 2015, BalconyTV Lisbon considered them “band of the year” and NiT added “one unknown band you need to listen to right now”, thus gaining the first of their fame. May 2016 sees the launch of their debut album, Safe Haven, entirely produced and recorded in the trio’s rehearsing studio in Ericeira, which hit top 10 national digital sales in its first week. Closing out 2017´s year end, the band decided to assume a new identity and be reborn as “Nowhere To Be Found”. Now as a quartet with João Quintais (guitar) and with a new sound. The second studio album is set for 2018.

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