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  • Born

    1 October 1995 (age 28)

  • Born In

    Dublin, County Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Noisestorm, real name alias Eoin O' Broin, is a electronic music producer from Dublin, Ireland. He has released multiple tracks and EPs through the label Monstercat since 2011.

He is most known for his track "Crab Rave". Crab Rave was posted on Youtube for the April Fools campaign. The music video depicts a cast of crabs dancing and raving to the song on a remote island in the ocean. As of October 25th, 2019, the video has garnered over 80 million views and is currently the most viewed video on the Monstercat Instinct channel, the second most viewed video on Monstercat overall, behind Marshmello's Alone, as well as the most liked video out of any Monstercat upload on the site, with over 2 million likes.

He is also working on his solo game, Crab Champion.

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