A trip from the Biblical times into the future. Rock artistocrats check in. Billed as a rock opera, "Illumine", a musical based on a character called Machiventa Melchizedek who's mentioned in the Qumran scrolls - is something different, with no real casting and role-playing. But the album composed by NO NATION - that's keyboardist Steve Roseman, drummer John Hernandez and singer Ed Ulibarri - comes off as an amazing piece of work; a fact confirmed by the high-profile guests appearing here: Steff Burns whose guitar eased Alice Cooper comeback, JOURNEY bassist Ross… read more
A trip from the Biblical times into the future. Rock artistocrats check in. Billed as a rock opera, "Illumine", a musical based on a character called Machiventa Melchizedek who's mentioned in the Qumran scrolls - is something different, with no real casting and role-playing. Bu… read more
A trip from the Biblical times into the future. Rock artistocrats check in. Billed as a rock opera, "Illumine", a musical based on a character called Machiventa Melchizedek who's mentioned in the Qumran scrolls - is something different, with no real casting and role-playing. But the album composed by NO NATION - that's keyboardist Steve Rosema… read more