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Neurothing was created in Poznan (Poland) in last months of 2004. At that time the final instrumental line-up was formed and the band defined the direction in which to go in the future.

The next step was to record the drums at Candida Recording Studio with the thought of a promo EP release but we were still missing the vocals…
After a few months of searching in the beginning of 2005 Chupasangre joined the band and his vocals gave our material the right character and sound. It was an important step forward for Neurothing. Soon awesome vocal lines were created and we choose 4 songs for our promo material.

In the late spring Neurothing began recording guitars and vocals. This time at Laronermma Recording Institute with the help of a recognized sound engineer and producer Jacek Chraplak(Laronermma Recording Institute)who also was responsible for mixing and mastering of "Vanishing Celestial Bodies". It was a good choice, Jacek Chraplak did exactly what the band expected from him and end of June our material was already mastered.
Neurothing was still at work, on July 16th we finished shooting of the promo video to "Macheta". The video appeared in the multimedia part of the Promo EP 2005. The video clip premiere took place on October the 7th in Mozg Club, Bydgoszcz. It is also available on the official website of Neurothing.

Last months of 2005 were first of all dedicated to work on our new material but we also experienced an unexpected change. Bocian decided to left the band, because current development of Neurothing failed to meet his music plans. But at the same time we welcomed "the prodigal son" - Maciuperski back, who made the rhythmic part of our music even more energetic and opened new prospects for the Neurothing's rhythmic section.

Recording of the new material is scheduled for Summer 2006. Till that time you will have the chance to listen to the new stuff during our gigs. We are also still looking for a label to release our full-size album.

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