
  • Release Date

    13 January 2014

  • Length

    12 tracks

Wishful Thinking is the debut studio album by the Welsh pop punk band Neck Deep. It was released on January 14th, 2014 through Hopeless Records. Vocalist Ben Barlow met guitarist Lloyd Roberts when Roberts was working with Barlow's brother, Seb. Following the upload of a song under the artist name Neck Deep, the song gained attention. This attention resulted in the duo obtaining guitarist Matt West, drummer Dani Washington and bassist Fil Thorpe-Evans. The band released two EPs, Rain in July (2012) and A History of Bad Decisions. In March 2013 the band started recording material at Celestial Recordings in Wrexham, where they began recording guitar, bass and vocals. The group then moved to Outhouse Studio in Reading, where they recorded drums. Material was produced by Seb Barlow and the band. In mid-August, the group had signed to Hopeless, and by late August, they announced the album had been finished.

"Crushing Grief (No Remedy)" was released as a single in October 2013. Following this the band toured the UK and Australia. "Growing Pains" was released as a single in December. In early January 2014 Wishful Thinking was made available for streaming, and the group went on a headlining tour of the UK. The album, released a week after the stream, was so successful that the band moved from a "fun, part-time ", as Barlow called it, to a full-time endeavor. As such, Thorpe-Evans, West and Roberts quit their jobs, Washington turned down a place at the Academy of Contemporary Music, and Barlow dropped out of university. "Losing Teeth" was released as a single in July.

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