
  • Years Active

    2003 – present (22 years)

  • Founded In

    Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington, United States

  • Members

    • Phil Elverum

Mount Eerie represents the latest evolution of Phil Elverum's musical vision. Formerly known as The Microphones, Elverum began Mount Eerie in 2003, maintaining his previous project's subtle, lo-fi, and lyrically dense fuzz-folk aesthetic.

Elverum explained this change in an 2003 interview with Discorder, asserting that "Mount Eerie is a new project. The Microphones was completed, or at least at a good stopping point. I did it because I am ready for new things. I am new."

As Mount Eerie, Phil typically works with synthesizers, guitars, drums, and the accenting voices of Mirah, The Blow, and fellow K-Records/Anacortes, Washington friends. Mount Eerie's album "Seven New Songs of Mount Eerie" was also the first recording released on Phil's new label, P.W.Elverum & Sun. All songs from that recording are available for free download in the Internet Archive.

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