
As a teenager, Tighe was in many New York Downtown theater productions in the 1990s, where he met Jeff Buckley. Though having had no experience, he was drafted into Buckley's band, with which he toured until the singer's death in 1997. He wrote the song So Real for Jeff Buckley and helped in writing", "Vancouver", "Dream Brother" and "The Sky is a Landfill".

Afterwards, he was a member of Black Beetle which included Parker Kindred, Joan Wasser (Dambuilders) and Oren Bloedow (Elysian Fields) and The A.M.. Reputedly, he has done some dates in Europe with Elysian Fields, as well as a few tracks on their new album as bass player.

Recently he recorded a cover of Britney Spears's song, Toxic with Mark Ronson which was a minor hit in the UK. He is currently working on his debut solo album under the moniker,Tiggers.

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