!Hero is a rock opera modernizing Jesus's last two years of life, as described in the Bible. The story takes place in New York City, in Brooklyn. The world's government in this near-future dystopic Earth is centered under the International Confederation of Nations, aka I.C.O.N. Under the iron fist of I.C.O.N., nearly all religion in the world has been wiped out, except for small occult and mystic sects. Only one synagogue in Brooklyn exists. Currently, New York City, is a police-occupied warzone between ethnic gangs and small, isolated revolutionary groups fighting I.C.O.N… read more
!Hero is a rock opera modernizing Jesus's last two years of life, as described in the Bible. The story takes place in New York City, in Brooklyn. The world's government in this near-future dystopic Earth is centered under the International Confederation of Nations, aka I.C.O.N. Unde… read more
!Hero is a rock opera modernizing Jesus's last two years of life, as described in the Bible. The story takes place in New York City, in Brooklyn. The world's government in this near-future dystopic Earth is centered under the International Confederation of Nations, aka I.C.O.N. Under the iron fist of I.C.O.N., nearly all religion in the world has been w… read more