"Michael Chocholak is a sound shaman. His music transforms you, carries you away to other realities, other dimensions and other states of conciousness. If you are looking for a Bardo preview, this is the soundtrack." - Misha Nogha. Electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes. Abstract. Visceral and imagick. Structured improvisations. Surreal architectures. Alternate mythologies. Although initially a guitarist, any sound source is considered a potential instrument from skin drum to pc. After moving across country to Oregon in the late 60's, Michael spent a year secluded… read more
"Michael Chocholak is a sound shaman. His music transforms you, carries you away to other realities, other dimensions and other states of conciousness. If you are looking for a Bardo preview, this is the soundtrack." - Misha Nogha. Electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes. Abstrac… read more
"Michael Chocholak is a sound shaman. His music transforms you, carries you away to other realities, other dimensions and other states of conciousness. If you are looking for a Bardo preview, this is the soundtrack." - Misha Nogha. Electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes. Abstract. Visceral and imagick. Structured improvisations. Surreal architecture… read more