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  • Founded In

    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

  • Members

    • Bastiaan Bosma
    • Mick Johan
    • Parra
    • Rimer Veeman
    • Sofie Winterson

MICH (pronounced as "mɩɣ") is a wave/shoegaze band from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, signed to Excelsior Recordings. Their eponymous début album, MICH, was released on January 27, 2017. Later the same year, on October 6, they released a digital-only EP titled Extended Play. Their sophomore full-length album, titled No, followed on August 28, 2020, and their third album, Nuts, followed on November 25, 2022.

MICH are: Bastiaan Bosma, Sofie Winterson, Mick Johan, Piet Parra and Rimer London.

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