
Mafia's everywhere you go
Love's the best you can do
We are all broken hearts
We just need some love
And understanding

Elmafia wen man kan
Bisanuu eljnan
Elna shuayet masari
Elna shuayet mahabeee
And Understanding

Lyrics continue below...

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Making music everywhere
What do you think is fair
We're looking for equal rights
We just need some love
And understanding

E quando penso al mondo
E penso a quanto e' bello
Poi mi butto giuuuuuuuu
Se c'e' qualcuno in grado
Di uccidere un fratello.

Se penso alla terra
E penso a quanto e' bella
Poi mi butto giuuuuuuuu
Se c'e' qualcuno che
La spreca con la guerra

Lets dance ... tonight let's dance
Tomorrow i don' t know but tonight let's dance
Lets dance ... tonight let's dance

Mafia's everywhere you go
Love's the best you can do
We are all broken hearts
We just need some love
And understanding

Writer(s): Mathieu Fileccia

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